Dinesh Pratap Singh
Academic degree:
2009-2010. Post Doctoral Fellow (PDF): Department of Physics, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC), IL, USA
2007. PH.D: Physics, Synthesis and Characterizaction of some Nanomaterials:Oxides, Carbides, Metals and Semiconductor, Department of Physics, BAnaras Hindu University, India
2000. M.SC: Physics, Solid State Physics, Department of Physics, Banaras Hindu University, India
1998. B.SC: Physics, Math, Udai Pratap Degree College, Varanasi, Affiliated with Vbs Purvanchal University Jaupunur, UP, India
Program Subjects:
Advanced Materials Synthesis and its Energy
Optics applications
Research Lines:
Synthesis and characterization of various nanomaterials by employing the methods of chemical, hydrothermal, thermal oxidation, ball milling, spray pyrolysis, cvd, etc.
After defending the doctoral thesis titled "Synthesis and Characterization of Some Nanomaterials: Oxides, Carbides, Metals and Semiconductors", I conducted post-doctoral research (PDF) at Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. IL, USA, from 2009 to 2010. Previously, from 2000 to 2009, I worked as an associate researcher at the Banaras Hindu University.
In 2012 I started my teaching and research career at the Physics Department of the University of Santiago with the following courses: Solid State Physics, Nanotechnology elective course, Modern Physics Laboratory for undergraduate engineering studies.
My research areas of interest are: Synthesis, characterization and application of various nanomaterials;
Synthesis of metal oxide nanostructures (copper oxide, zinc oxide, tin oxide, iron oxide and lead oxide) by electrolysis based oxidation, thermal oxidation, chemical and hydrothermal methods and their Solar cell applications.
Synthesis and tribological study of different mixed metal oxide nanomaterials (eg. metal molybdates, metal tungstates and metal vanadates). Synthesis via chemical, hydrothermal, sputtering methods etc.
Synthesis of metallic (silver, gold and copper) nanomaterials by reduction with herbs, chemical methods and their biomedical applications.
• Advanced Materials Synthesis and its various Applications
• Synthesis of Graphene, Graphene derivatives, Carbon nanotubes, Metal oxides and their composites for Energy Conversion and Storage Devices (Dye- sensitized/ Photovoltaic Solar cells, Supercapacitor etc).
• Synthesis of Metal Organic Frameworks (MOFs) for Non-linear Optics Applications
Nanoenergy and Advanced Optical Materials Group.