PhD in Physics
The Plan of Study includes the following coursework and qualifying exam (milestone):
General courses: Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics. The student must take three of these subjects on a compulsory basis.
Elective subjects: constitute a basis for understanding the broad subject areas of contemporary Physics, including Particle Physics, Condensed Matter, Non-Linear Physics, Quantum Optics, Relativity, etc. The student must take in total three of these subjects on a compulsory basis.
Topics: they are intended to complement the student's education within their field of specialization. The student must take two of these subjects on a compulsory basis.
English I and II: Both subjects are designed for the students to have the sufficient oral, written and reading proficiency in the English language, and to allow them writing scientific documents, and creating presentations of research papers at international scientific events or activities.
Research Seminars I and II:consist of presentations that the student must make on the most important topics in Physics. The Seminars will be guided by a regular professor of the pProgram.
Thesis Project: It is a subject and will be evaluated as such. The Qualification Exam is part of the Thesis Project..
Qualifying exam: It consists of a written part and an oral part (Thesis Project)
Every student must take a Qualification Exam, which is divided in two parts:
- Written exam on three subjects that the student can choose from: Classical Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics.
- Oral Exam where the student presents his / her Thesis Project before an examining committee.
Every student whose plan of study has been approved up to the fourth semester, and has also passed the Qualification Exam in its written and oral parts, will be recognized as Doctoral Candidate.
Thesis will be developed under the supervision of a Thesis Director, who must be approved by the PhD Program Committee, and who will assume the role of tutor.
Thesis must be developed autonomously by the student.
The Thesis Director will present the final version of student’s thesis and a letter addressed to the Director of the Program with suggested members for the Thesis Commission.
The above mentioned Commission will consist of at least four professors:
- At least two professors must belong to the Academic body of the Master's Program.
- At least one professor from outside of the University of Santiago de Chile.
- Thesis Director.
Have passed the qualification exam.
Have passed the compulsory subjects with a final grade-point average equal or greater than 5.0.
Have made at least one oral presentation at national or international conferences (or department seminar of a higher education institution) during their studies, which was certified by the Program Committee.
Is the author of two scientific articles accepted or published in Wos indexed journals.
Have approved the Degree Thesis, the Private Exam and the Degree Exam.
qualifying exam (milestone)
Los/as graduados/as del programa de Doctorado en Ciencia con mención en Física, serán capaces de:
a) Dominar el cuerpo de conocimientos generales de la Física, a un nivel avanzado.
b) Formular, diseñar e implementar proyectos de investigación de manera rigurosa, para generar conocimiento nuevo en Física, que contribuya al avance del conocimiento científico.
c) Aplicar el cuerpo de conocimientos de la línea de investigación elegida y las técnicas de investigación avanzadas que se requieran y generar nuevos conocimientos en el área.
d) Comunicar los resultados derivados de la investigación de forma veraz y honesta, a través de medios de divulgación científicos nacionales e internacionales.
Para ingresar al programa de doctorado, el/la candidato/a deberá acreditar estar en posesión del grado de Licenciado en Física o equivalente (a criterio del Comité de Postgrado de Física). Deberá asimismo incluir en su postulación el Certificado de Notas de Licenciatura.
El/la candidato/a deberá dirigir una carta de postulación al Director del Programa de Postgrado, especificando el grado académico al que postula y las razones que lo motivan a iniciar estudios de postgrado.
Una vez aceptado en el programa, el/la candidato/a deberá registrar su matrícula para adquirir la calidad de estudiante regular del Programa de Doctorado.
Applications to the PhD program in Physics are open all year round. Each year, at the end of July and at the end of November, the PhD Program Committee collects, respectively, the applications for the second semester of the current year and for the first semester of the following year. The exact dates are published in due course.
Applicants must fill out and attach the documentation requested in the single one application form for postgraduate programs at the University of Santiago de Chile. At the beginning of the application form, they must indicate whether they are applying for the second semester of the current year or the first semester of the following year.
The form will request the following:
- Bachelor of Physics degree certificate or equivalent professional title
- Passport or identity card
- Photography
- Certificate of ranking
- Curriculum vitae
- Academic transcript of undergraduate grades
- Two letters of recommendation from academics that endorse the application to the Program (requested directly by the platform)
- Language certificate
Also, attach (as other documents):
- A letter of intent, addressed to the Director of the Program, which explains your motivation for applying.
- Birth Certificate
Important: Foreign applicants are required to have their documents apostilled.
El programa de Doctorado del Departamento de Física de la USACH ofrece a egresados de estudios universitarios en física o carreras equivalentes la oportunidad de complementar esta formación con orientación hacia la investigación, ya sea en el ámbito académico o industrial.
La duración de la formación de doctorado es normalmente de cuatro años (8 semestres).
The detailed expenses of the PhD studies are the following:
- Enrollment
- Annual tuition fees
- Others
Students can apply for scholarships from the following organizations:
- ANID national scholarship (fees and maintenance). More information here
- Internal scholarship for fees and/or maintenance from the University of Santiago de Chile. More information here
The general objective of the Program is to train high-level scientists specialized in Physics, who through their work will contribute to the scientific research development of the country.
Regarding its specific objectives, the following have been established:
a) To train graduates capable of promoting the development of original projects and lines of research in Physics, which will contribute to the development of the discipline.
b) Desarrollar áreas temáticas propias de la disciplina como líneas de investigación del Programa.
c) Consolidar un polo de desarrollo académico que promueva la investigación científica en física y la formación de redes de colaboración entre grupos de investigación.