Seminario de Física | Mi 01 de diciembre | 15:30 horas - Dr. Jorge S. Díaz
12/01/2021 - 15:30
Con mucho agrado los invitamos a participar del seminario que dictará el Dr. Jorge S. Díaz, Physics Department, Indiana University, Bloomington.
El webinar se realizará el miércoles 1 de diciembre de 2021 a las 15:30 horas mediante la plataforma Zoom.
Para acceder, deben ingresar el día y hora señalados a sus cuentas Zoom con la siguiente información:
Meeting ID: 831 4646 4471
Passcode: 327958
Título: Blast wave kinematics: theory, experiments, and applications
Expositor: Dr. Jorge S. Díaz
Afiliación: Physics Department, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, U.S.A.
Measurements of the time of arrival of shock waves from explosions can serve as powerful markers of the evolution of the shock front for determining crucial parameters driving the blast. Using standard theoretical tools and a simple ansatz for solving the hydrodynamics equations, a general expression for the Mach number of the shock front is derived. Dimensionless coordinates are introduced allowing a straightforward visualization and direct comparison of blast waves produced by a variety of explosions, including chemical, nuclear, and laser-induced plasmas. The results are validated by determining the yield of a wide range of explosions, using data from gram-size charges to thermonuclear tests.