Seminario de Física | Mi 24 de noviembre | 15:30 horas - Prof. Stacy McGaugh
11/24/2021 - 15:30
Con mucho agrado los invitamos a participar del seminario que dictará el Prof. Stacy McGaugh, Chair, Department of Astronomy, Director, Warner & Swasey Observatory, Case Western Reserve University.
El webinar se realizará el miércoles 24 de noviembre de 2021 a las 15:30 horas mediante la plataforma Zoom.
Para acceder, deben ingresar el día y hora señalados a sus cuentas Zoom con la siguiente información:
Meeting ID: 810 6641 5945
Passcode: 167667
Título: Missing mass and modified dynamics (Estamos buscando el objetivo equivocado?)
Expositor: Prof. Stacy McGaugh
Afiliación: Chair, Department of Astronomy, Director, Warner & Swasey Observatory, Case Western Reserve University
The missing mass problem has been with us a long time, yet enormous effort and investment into clever and dedicated searches have turned up no credible laboratory detections. Surprisingly, the theory that has had the most predictive success is Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) hypothesized by Milgrom, which suggests changing the force law rather than invoking invisible mass. I will review the evidence and ask whether we are seeking after the right object.