Seminarios de Física en Línea | Miércoles 21 abril - 15:30 h | Dr. Brian Skinner

04/21/2021 - 15:30
Con mucho agrado los invitamos a participar del seminario que dictará el Dr. Brian Skinner, Department of Physics, Ohio State University.  
El webinar se realizará este miércoles 21 de abril de 2021 a las 15:30 horas mediante la plataforma Zoom.  Se adjunta Afiche.
Titulo: Many-particle interactions and compressibility, in electrons and in video games
Expositor: Dr. Brian Skinner
Afiliación: Department of Physics, Ohio State University

Understanding the state of a many-electron system is a notoriously difficult problem, because it involves a competition between strong Coulomb forces and quantum-mechanical energies. In the first part of this talk, I will discuss how to think about the energy of a simple two-dimensional gas of electrons at zero temperature. I will show how this thinking helped to resolve a strange experimental paradox, in which a capacitor behaved as if it were much thinner than it actually was.

In the second part of the talk, I will show how these ideas from electron physics helped us to make progress in a very different setting, which may strike you as both unusual and very familiar.

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