Study of the dielectric and magnetic properties of Co2Y, Y-type hexaferrite (Ba(2)Co(2)Fei(2)O(22)) added with PbO and Bi2O3 in the RF frequency range.
Enviado por sara.nunez en Mié, 08/28/2019 - 11:26
2 010
Nombre de la revista:
Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Elsevier Science) Publicada 0925-8388
Académicos Relacionados:
Juliano C. Denardin
Autor (es):
Pires, GFM; Rodrigues, HO; Almeida, JS; Sancho, EO; Goes, JC; Costa, MM; Denardin, JC & Sombra, ASB.
Area de Investigacion: