Cristóbal Espinoza Romo

Grados académicos:
2006-2010 PhD in Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of Manchester, UK
2003-2005 Magíster en Astronomía, Universidad de Chile
1998-2002 Licenciatura en Ciencia m/Física, Universidad de Chile
Línea de investigación:
Astrofísica de estrellas de neutrones. Pulsar timing. Física espacial. Física de la magnetósfera terrestre.
Mi línea principal de investigación son los pulsares. Usamos datos tomados con radio telescopios o satélites de rayos-X para estudiar cómo rotan y qué procesos físicos alteran su rotación. De esta manera aprendemos sobre lo que ocurre dentro y fuera de los pulsares.
Desde hace poco he estado también trabajando en Física espacial. En particular, hemos estado usado datos tomados en la magnetósfera terrestre para estudiar cómo se distribuye la eneregía entre las partículas y los efectos de la turbulencia en el transporte de energía en la cola de la magnetósfera.
- Web of Science ResearcherID: U-4428-2017
- Google Scholar
- 2023-RCM Modeling of Bubble Injections Into the Inner Magnetosphere: Spectral Properties of Plasma Sheet Particles-Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics-
- 2023-Formation of the Outer Radiation Belt: Adiabatic Effect and Stochastic Acceleration-Springer Proceedings in Earth and Environmental Sciences-
- 2023-A NICER View on the 2020 Magnetar-like Outburst of PSR J1846−0258-Astrophysical Journal-
- 2023-A new small glitch in Vela discovered with a hidden Markov model-Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society-
- 2022-VLA proper motion constraints on the origin, age, and potential magnetar future of PSR J1734-3333-Astronomy and Astrophysics-
- 2022-Pulsar glitches: observations and physical interpretation-Reports on Progress in Physics-
- 2022-Narrowband Searches for Continuous and Long-duration Transient Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars in the LIGO-Virgo Third Observing Run-Astrophysical Journal-
- 2022-Timing Six Energetic Rotation-powered X-Ray Pulsars, Including the Fast-spinning Young PSR J0058-7218 and Big Glitcher PSR J0537-6910-Astrophysical Journal-
- 2022-Spontaneous Magnetic Fluctuations and Collisionless Regulation of Turbulence in the Earth's Magnetotail-Astrophysical Journal-
- 2021-Ion Kappa Distribution Parameters in the Magnetosphere of the Earth at Geocentric Distances Smaller Than 20 RE During Quiet Geomagnetic Conditions-Journal of Geophysical Research-
- 2021-Small glitches and other rotational irregularities of the Vela pulsar-Astronomy and Astrophysics-
- 2021-Influence of MHD Turbulence on Ion Kappa Distributions in the Earth's Plasma Sheet as a Function of Plasma β Parameter-Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences-
- 2021-Constraints from LIGO O3 Data on Gravitational-wave Emission Due to R-modes in the Glitching Pulsar PSR J0537-6910-Astrophysical Journal Letters-
- 2021-Diving below the Spin-down Limit: Constraints on Gravitational Waves from the Energetic Young Pulsar PSR J0537-6910-Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series-
- 2021-On the Relation between Kappa Distribution Functions and the Plasma Beta Parameter in the Earth's Magnetosphere: THEMIS Observations-Astrophysical Journal-
- 2021-Corrigendum: Small glitches and other rotational irregularities of the Vela pulsar (Astronomy and Astrophysics (2021) 647 (A25) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/202039044)-
- 2020-Proper motion, spectra, and timing of PSR J1813-1749 using Chandra and NICER-Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society-
- 2020-Return of the Big Glitcher: NICER timing and glitches of PSR J0537-6910-Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society-
- 2020-Gravitational waves from transient neutron star f -mode oscillations-Physical Review D-
- 2019-Glitch time series and size distributions in eight prolific pulsars-Astronomy and Astrophysics-
- 2021-2025-Revealing dynamical processes in isolated neutron stars through pulsar timing-Investigador Responsable-FONDECYT
- 2021-2022-Sobre la vida de una estrella: un viaje de luz y sonido por el cosmos-Asesor Científico-Astronomy Funds 2020. ANID/Gemini
- 2021-Role of turbulent transport and total pressure balance in the dynamics of the magnetosphere of the earth-Co-Investigador-FONDECYT