







  • Wang, Y; You, W.-L; Liu, M; Dong, Y.-L; Luo, H.-G; Romero, G & You, J. Q.
    New Journal of PhysicsVol. 20,pp. 93 004
  • Herrera, F. ; Rivera, M. ; Riveros, J
    Physics Letters B
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun.
    Vol. 74,
  • Quantum Mechanical Engine for the Quantum Rabi Model
    G. Alvarado Barrios, F. J. Pena, F. Albarran-Arriagada, P. Vargas & J. C. Retamal
    Entropy, ISSN 1099-4300
  • Measurement-based adaptation protocol with quantum reinforcement learning
    F. Albarran-Arriagada, J. C. Retamal, E. Solano & L. Lamata
    Physical Review A, ISSN 2469-9926
  • Bound states in the continuum in whispering gallery resonators
    M. Ahumada, P. A. Orellana & J. C. Retamal
    Physical Review A, ISSN 2469-9926
  • Multiqubit and multilevel quantum reinforcement learning with quantum technologies
    F. A. Cardenas-Lopez, L. Lamata, J. C. Retamal & E. Solano
    Plos One Publicado 1932-6203
  • Floquet stroboscopic divisibility: coherence preservation in non-Markovian dynamics
    Bastidas, V. M; Kyaw, T. H; Tangpanitanon, J; Romero, G; Kwek, L.-C. & Angelakis, D. G.
    New Journal of Physics
    Vol. 93 004,
  • F. Lastra, C. E. Lopez & J. C. Retamal
    Physical Review A, ISSN 2469-9926
  • One-way Quantum Computing in Superconducting Circuits
    Albarrán-Arriagada, F; Alvarado-Barrios, G; Sanz, M., Romero, G; Lamata, L; Retamal, J. C; & Solano, E.
    Physical Review A, ISSN 2469-9926
  • Nucleation of superfluid-light domains in a quenched dynamics
    Figueroa, J; Rogan, J; Valdivia, J. A; Kiwi, M; Romero, G & Torres, F.
    Scientific Reports
    Vol. 20,
    pp. 53 061
  • Theory of Nanoscale Organic Cavities: The Essential Role of Vibration-Photon Dressed States
    Hererra, F. & Spano, F.C.
    ACS Photonics (American Chemical Society), En prensa 2330-4022
  • Spin-1 models in the ultrastrong coupling regime of circuit QED
    Albarrán-Arriagada,F; Lamata, L; Solano, E; Romero, G; & Retamal, J. C.
    Physical Review A, ISSN 2469-9926


  • Quantum simulations with circuit quantum electrodynamics. Quantum Simulations with Photons and Polaritons: Merging Quantum Optics with Condensed Matter Physics. Angelakis, D.G. (Ed.)
    Romero, G; Solano, E; and Lamata, L.
    Springer Nature Switzerland AG Quantum Science and Technology Series, Springer Publicado
  • Parity-preserving light-matter system mediates two-body interactions
    Kyaw, T. H; Allende, S; Kwek, L-C; Romero, G.
    Quantum Science And Technology
  • López, C. E., Albarrán-Arriagada, F., Allende, S. & Retamal, J.C
    Europhysics Letters (IOP Publishing LTD) Vol. 120, ISSN 0295-5075
  • Sudden transition between classical to quantum decoherence in bipartite correlated qutrit systems
    F. A. Cárdenas-López, S. Allende & J. C. Retamal
    Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group), Vol 7, Article Number: 44654, ISSN 2045-2322
  • C. E. López and F. Lastra
    Physical Review A
    Vol. 96,
    pp. 62 112
  • Quantum Rabi model in a superfluid Bose-Einstein condensate
    Felicetti, S., Romero, G., Solano, E., Sabín, C.
    Physical Review A
    Vol. 96,
    pp. 33 839
  • Absorption and photoluminescence in organic cavity QED
    Herrera, F. & Spano, F.C.
    Physics Review (American Physical Society A). Vol. 95 (5). Article Number: 053867, ISSN 2469-9926
  • Role of quantum correlations in light-matter quantum heat engines
    Barrios, G.A., Albarrán-Arriagada, F., Cárdenas-López, F.A., Romero, G. & Retamal, J.C.
    Physical Review A (Amer Physical Soc) Vol. 96, Article Number: 052119, ISSN 2469-9926
  • Dark vibronic polaritons and the spectroscopy of organic microcavities
    Herrera, F. & Spano. F.C.
    Physical Review Letters (American Physical Society A). Vol. 118 (22). Article Number: 223601, ISSN 0031-9007
  • Incoherent-mediator for quantum state transfer in the ultrastrong coupling regime
    Cárdenas-López, F; Albarrán-Arriagada, F; Alvarado Barrios, G; Retamal, J.C. & Romero, G
    Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group) Vol. 4, Article Number: 4157, ISSN 2045-2322
  • Generation of higher dimensional entangled states in quantum Rabi systems
    Albarrán-Arriagada, F; Barrios, G.A; Cárdenas-López, F; Romero, G. & Retamal, J.C
    Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (IOP Publishing) Vol. 50 (18), Article Number: 184001, ISSN 1751-8113


  • Beyond mean-field bistability in driven-dissipative lattices: Bunching-antibunching transition and quantum simulation
    Mendoza-Arenas, J.J; Clark, S.R; Felicetti, S; Romero, G; Solano, E; Angelakis, D.G. & Jaksch, D.
    Physical Review A
    Vol. 93,
    pp. 23 821
  • Ignacio E. Olivares & Iván A. González
    Applied Physics B
    Vol. 122,
  • Holonomic quantum computation in the ultrastrong-coupling regime of circuit QED
    Wang, YM; Zhang, J; Wu, CF; You, JQ. & Romero, G.
    Physical Review A
    Vol. 94,
    pp. 12 328
  • Broken selection rule in the quantum Rabi model
    Forn-Díaz, P; Romero, G; Harmans, CJPM; Solano, E & Mooij, J.E.
    Scientific Reports
    Vol. 6,
    pp. 26 720
  • Cavity-controlled chemistry in molecular ensembles
    Herrera, F. & Spano, F.C.
    Physical Review Letters (American Physical Society). Vol. 116 (23). Article Number: 238301, ISSN 0031-9007
  • Ultrastrong coupling in two-resonator circuit QED
    Baust, A; Hoffmann, E; Haeberlein, M; Schwarz, MJ; Eder, P; Goetz, J; Wulschner, F; Xie, E; Zhong, L; Quijandria, F; Zueco, D; Ripoll, JJG; Garcia-Alvarez, L; Romero, G; Solano, E; Fedorov, K.G; Menzel, E.P; Deppe, F; Marx, A. & Gross, R.
    Physical Review B
    Vol. 93,
    pp. 214 501
  • Efficient photon triplet generation in integrated nanophotonic waveguides
    Moebius; Herrera, F; Griesse-Nascimento, S; Reshef, O; Evans. C; Guerreschi, G; Aspuru-Guzik, A. & Mazur, E
    Optic Express (Optical Soc Amer). Vol. 24 (9). Article Number: 9932-9954, ISSN 1094-4087


  • Synchronization of interacting quantum dipoles
    Zhu, B; Schachenmayer, J; Xu, M; Herrera, F; Restrepo, J,G; Holland, M, J, & Rey, A,M,
    New Journal Physics (IOP Publishing Ltd.). Vol. 17. Article Number: 083063, ISSN 1367-2630
  • Quantum Rabi Model with Trapped Ions
    Pedernales, J.S; Lizuain, I; Felicetti, S; Romero, G; Lamata, L. & Solano, E.
    Scientific Reports
    Vol. 5,
    pp. 15 472
  • Spectral collapse via two-phonon interactions in trapped ions
    Felicetti, S; Pedernales, J.S; Egusquiza, I.L; Romero, G; Lamata, L; Braak, D. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review A
    Vol. 92,
    pp. 33 817
  • Relativistic motion with superconducting qubits
    Felicetti, S; Sabin, C; Fuentes, I; Lamata, L; Romero, G. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review B
    Vol. 92,
    pp. 64 501
  • Parity-dependent State Engineering and Tomography in the ultrastrong coupling regime
    Felicetti, S; Douce, T; Romero, G; Milman, P. & Solano, E
    Scientific Reports
    Vol. 5,
    pp. 11 818
  • Creation of quantum error correcting codes in the ultrastrong coupling regime
    Kyaw, T. H; Herrera-Martí, D. A; Solano, E; Romero, G. & Kwek, L.C.
    Physical Review B
    Vol. 91,
    pp. 64 503
  • Scalable quantum memory in the ultrastrong coupling regime
    Kyaw, T. H; Felicetti, S; Romero, G; Solano, E; and Kwek, L.C.
    Scientific Reports (Nature Publishing Group). Vol. 5, Article Number: 8621, ISSN 2045-2322
  • Fermion-fermion scattering with superconducting circuits
    García-Álvarez, L; Casanova, J; Mezzacapo, A; Egusquiza, I. L; Lamata, L; Romero, G. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review Letters (Amer Physical Soc). Vol. 114 (7), Article Number: 070502, ISSN 0031-9007


  • Quantum nonlinear optics with polar J-aggregates in microcavities
    Herrera, F; Peropadre, B; Pachon, L.A; Saikin, S. & Aspuru-Guzik, A.
    Journal of Physics Chemistry Letters (Amer Chemical Soc). Vol. 5 (21). pp. 3708-3715, ISSN 1948-7185
  • Infrared-dressed entanglement of cold open-shell polar molecules for universal matchgate quantum computing
    Herrera, F; Cao, Y; Kais, S & Whaley, K
    New Journal Physics (IOP Publishing Ltd.). Vol. 16. Article Number: 075001, ISSN 1367-2630
  • Collective effects in linear spectroscopy of dipole-coupled molecular arrays
    Kocherzhenko, A; Dawlaty, J; Abolins. B; Herrera, F; Abraham, D. & Whaley, K
    Physics Review A (American Physical Society). Vol. 90 (6). Article Number: 062502, ISSN 2469-9926
  • Dynamical Casimir effect entangles artificial atoms
    Felicetti, S; Sanz, M; Lamata, L; Romero, G; Johansson, G; Delsing, P. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review Letters (Amer Physical Soc). Vol. 113 (9), Article Number: 093602, ISSN 0031-9007
  • Photon transfer in ultrastrongly coupled three-cavity arrays
    Felicetti, S; Romero, G; Rossini, D; Fazio, R. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review A (American Physical Society). Vol. 89 (1), Article Number: 013853, ISSN 2469-9926
  • F. Lastra, C. E. López, S. A. Reyes, and S. Wallentowitz
    Physical Review A
    Vol. 90,
    pp. 62 103


  • Lamata, L; López, C.E; Lanyon, B.P; Bastin, T; Retamal, J.C. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review A (American Physical Society). Vol. 87 (3), Article Number: 032325, ISSN 1050-2947
  • Investigating polaron transitions with polar molecules
    Herrera, F; Madison, K.; Krems, R & Berciu, M
    Physics Review Letters (American Physical Society). Vol. 110 (22). Article Number: 223002, ISSN 0031-9007
  • Dynamical correlation functions and the quantum Rabi model
    Wolf, F. A; Vallone, F; Romero, G; Kollar, M; Solano, E. & Braak, D.
    Physical Review A (American Physical Society). Vol. 87 (2), Article Number: 023835, ISSN 2469-9926


  • Lastra, F; López, C.E; Roa, L. & Retamal, J.C
    Physical Review A (American Physical Society) Vol. 85 (2), Article Number: 022320, ISSN 2469-9926
  • López, C.E; Lastra, F; Romero, G; Solano, E. & Retamal, J.C
    Physical Review A
    Vol. 85,
    pp. 32 319
  • Quantum correlation assists state discrimination
    Roa, L., Retamal, J.C. & Alid-Vaccarezza, M.
    High Intensity Lasers and High Field Phenomena, HILAS 2012, Code 102368 Publicado
  • Quantum correlation assists state discrimination
    Roa, L., Retamal, J.C. & Alid-Vaccarezza, M.
    International Conference on Ultrafast Structural Dynamics, ICUSD 2012 Publicado
  • J. Casanova, C. E. López, J. J. García-Ripoll, C. F. Roos & E. Solano
    The European Physical Journal D
    Vol. 66,
  • Circuit quantum electrodynamics with a superconducting quantum point contact
    Romero, G; Lizuain, I; Shumeiko, V. S; Solano, E. & Bergeret, F. S.
    Physical Review B (Amer Physical Soc). Vol. 85 (18), Article Number: 180506, ISSN 2469-9950
  • Ultrafast Quantum Gates in Circuit QED
    Romero, G; Ballester, D; Wang, Y. M; Scarani, V. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review Letters (Amer Physical Soc). Vol. 108 (12), Article Number: 120501, ISSN 0031-9007
  • Validity of resonant two-qubit gates in the ultrastrong coupling regime of circuit quantum electrodynamics
    Wang, Y. M; Ballester, D; Romero, G; Scarani, V. & Solano, E.
    Physica Scripta (IOP Publishing Ltd.) Vol. T 147, Article Number: 014031, ISSN 0031-8949
  • Quantum simulation of the ultrastrong coupling dynamics in circuit quantum electrodynamics
    Ballester, D; Romero, G; García-Ripoll, J. J; Deppe, F. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review X (Amer Physical Soc) Vol. 2 (2), Article Number: 021007, ISSN 2160-3308
  • Solvable model of dissipative dynamics in the deep strong coupling regime
    Bina, M; Romero, G; Casanova, J; García-Ripoll, J. J, Lulli, A; Casagrande, F. & Solano, E.
    European Physics Journal-Special Topics. Vol. 203 (1), p.p. 207-216, ISSN 1951-6355


  • Approaching perfect microwave photodetection in circuit quantum electrodynamics
    Peropadre, B; Romero, G; Johansson, G; Wilson, C. M; Solano, E. & García-Ripoll, J. J.
    Physical Review A (American Physical Society). Vol. 84 (6), Article Number: 063834 Publicado 2469-9926
  • Dissonance is Required for Assisted Optimal State Discrimination
    Roa, L; Retamal, J.C. & Alid-Vaccarezza, M
    Physical Review Letters
    Vol. 107,
    pp. 80 401
  • Quantum correlation assists state discrimination
    Roa, L., Retamal, J.C. & Alid-Vaccarezza, M
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Code 102615, ISSN 2162-2701
  • López, C.E., Romero, G. & Retamal, J.C
    Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, Code 102617, ISSN 2162-2701


  • Deep strong coupling regime of the Jaynes-Cummings model
    Casanova, J; Romero, G; Lizuain, I; García-Ripoll, J. J. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review Letters (Amer Physical Soc). Vol. 105 (26), Article Number: 263603, ISSN 0031-9007
  • Short-time-interaction quantum measurement through an incoherent mediator
    Casanova, J; Romero, G; Lizuain, I; Retamal, J.C; Roos, C.F; Muga. & J.G; Solano, E
    Physical Review A
    Vol. 81,
    pp. 62 126
  • López, C.E; Romero, G. & Retamal, J.C
    Physical Review A
    Vol. 81,
    pp. 62 114
  • The origin of the hidden supersymmetry
    Jakubsky, V; Nieto, LM; Plyushchay, MS.
    Physics Letters B (Elsevier Science), ISSN 0370-2693


  • Photodetection of propagating quantum microwaves in circuit QED
    Romero, G; García-Ripoll, J. J. & Solano, E.
    Physica Scripta (IOP Publishing Ltd.). Vol. T137, Article Number: 014004, ISSN 0031-8949
  • Microwave Photon Detector in Circuit QED
    Romero, G; García-Ripoll, J. J. & Solano, E.
    Physical Review Letters (Amer Physical Soc). Vol. 102 (17), Article Number: 173602, ISSN 0031-9007