Bastián Díaz Sáez and Patricio Escalona ContrerasJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Paola Arias; Nicolás Bernal; Jacek K. Osiński; Leszek RoszkowskiJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Silvia Lucía Correa Angel; Arias, P.; Claudio Dib; Álvaro Santos de Jesus; Kuleshov, S.; Venelin Kozhuharov; Lin, L.; Manfred Lindner; Queiroz, F.S.; Silva, R.C. et al.Physical Review D
Francisco Correa; Luis Inzunza; Ian MarquetteJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Cesar Bonilla, A.E. Cárcamo Hernández, Bastián Díaz Sáez, Sergey Kovalenko, Juan Marchant GonzálezPhysics Letter B
Norman Cruz, Esteban González, and Jose JovelPhysical Review D
aola Arias; Ariel Arza; Fidel A. Schaposnik; Diego Vargas-Arancibia; Moira VenegasInternational Journal of Modern Physics A
Marcela Cárdenas, Hernán González, Kristiansen Lara and Miguel PinoJournal of High Energy Physics
Luis InzunzaJournal of High Energy Physics
Norman Cruz, Esteban González and Guillermo PalmaModern Physics Letter AVol. 36,
Paola Arias; Paola Arias; Nicolás Bernal; Dimitrios Karamitros; Carlos Maldonado; Leszek Roszkowski; Moira VenegasJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Luis Inzunza and Mikhail S. PlyushchayPhysical Review DVol. 103,
Marcela Cárdenas, Francisco Correa, Kristiansen Lara, and Miguel PinoPhysical Review LettersVol. 127,
Matute, EA.Modern Physics Letter A
Maldonado, C.; Mendez, F.Physical Review D
Palma, G.; Riveros, A.The European Physical Journal B
Inzunza, L.; Plyushchay, MS.Journal of High Energy Physics
Rincon, A.; Panotopoulos, G.; Lopes, I.; Cruz, N.Universe
Arias, P.; Bernal, N.; Karamitros, D.; Maldonado, C.; Roszkowski, L.; Venegas, M.Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Arias, P.; Karamitros, D.; Roszkowski, L.Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Falomir, Horacio ; Gamboa, Jorge ; Mendez, FernandoSYMMETRY-BASEL
Cruz, Norman ; Gonzalez, Esteban ; Palma, GuillermoGENERAL RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATION
J. Gamboa, F. Méndez, and N. TapiaPHYSICAL REVIEW D
J. L. Cortés and J. GamboaPHYSICAL REVIEW D
Inzunza, Luis ; Plyushchay, Mikhail S. ; Wipf, AndreasPHYSICAL REVIEW D
Inzunza, Luis ; Plyushchay, Mikhail S. ; Wipf, AndreasJOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS
Corral, C (Corral, Cristobal)[ 1,2 ] ; Cruz, N (Cruz, Norman)[ 2 ] ; Gonzalez, E (Gonzalez, Esteban)[ 2 ]PHYSICAL REVIEW D
Evgeniia Alekseeva, Michael Doebeli, Iaroslav IspolatovEcology and Evolution
Paola Arias(Santiago de Chile U.), Jorge Gamboa(Santiago de Chile U.), Natalia Tapia(Santiago de Chile U.)Physical Letters BVol. 791,pp. 17- 19.
J. Gamboa, F. Mendez, M.B. Paranjape, and Benoit SiroisCanadian Journal of PhysicsVol. 97,
Paola Arias(Santiago de Chile U.), Nicolás Bernal(Antonio Narino U.), Alan Herrera(Antonio Narino U.), Carlos Maldonado(Santiago de Chile U.)Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle PhysicsVol. 10,pp. 47
Oscar Fuentealba, Hernán A. González, Miguel Pino & Ricardo TroncosoJournal of High Energy PhysicsVol. 123,
E.A. MatuteModern Physics Letters A, ISSN 0217-7323
Luis Inzunza, Mikhail S. PlyushchayPhysical Review DVol. 99,pp. 2 500
Luis Inzunza, Mikhail S. PlyushchayPhysical Review DVol. 99,pp. 125 016
J. M. Guilarte, M. S. PlyushchayJ. High Energ. Phys., Vol. 2019(194), pp.
Norman Cruz, A. Hernández-Almada, and Octavio Cornejo-PérezPhysical Review DVol. 100,
V. H. Cardenas, N. cruz, S. Muñoz, J.R. VillanuevaEuropean Physical Journal C (Springer) , ISSN 1434-6044
Paola Arias(Santiago de Chile U.), J. Gamboa(Santiago de Chile U.), F. Méndez(Santiago de Chile U.), David Valenzuela(Chile U., Catolica)Modern Physics Letter AVol. 40,pp. 1 850 241
M. Cruz, N. Cruz & Samuel LepePhysical review D (Amer Physical Soc) Publicado 2470-0010
Hernán A. González, Javier Matulich, Miguel Pino & Ricardo TroncosoJournal of High Energy PhysicsVol. 115,
Birefringence and hidden photonsA. Arza & J. GamboaModern Physics Letters A (Word Scientific Publ Co Ote Ltd) Vol. 33, Articl Number: 1850082, ISSN 0217-7323
Magnetic Seed and Cosmology as Quantum Hall EffectH. Falomir, J. Gamboa, P. Gondolo and F. MendezPhysics Letters B (Alsevier Science BV) Vol. 785, p.p. 399-402, ISSN 0370-2693
Rational deformations of conformal mechanicsCariñena, JF.; Inzunza, L. & Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, ISSN 2470-0010
Configurational temperature in constraint systems: the case of spin dynamicsG. Gutierrez, S. Davis & G. PalmaJ. Phys. A: Math. And Theor. 51 (2018) 455003. ISSN 1751-8113
Hidden superconformal symmetry: Where does it come from?Inzunza, L. & Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, ISSN 2470-0010
P. Arias, Carlos Maldonado, P.D. ÁlvarezProceedings of the 13th Patras Worshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, ISSN 9783945931172
F. Contreras, N. Cruz, E. Elizalde, E. González, and S. D. OdintsovPhysical Review DVol. 98,
Fuentealba, O., Matulich, J., Pérez, A., Pino, M., Rodríguez, P., Tempo, D. & Troncoso, R.Journal of High Energy Physics, ISSN 1029-8479
P. D. Alvarez, P. Arias, C. MaldonadoEuropean Physical Journal C, ISSN 1434-6044
Generalized Dirac duality and CP violation in a two-photon theoryP. Arias, A. K. Das, J. Gamboa, F. Méndez.Modern Physics Letters A (World Scientific Publ CO PTE LTD), ISSN 0217-7323
Bouncing solutions from generalized EoS.F. Contreras, N. Cruz & G. PalmaEuropean Physical Journal C (Springer), ISSN 1434-6044
Crossing the phantom divide with dissipative normal matter in the Israel–Stewart formalism.N. Cruz & S. LepePhysics Letters B (Elsevier Science), ISSN 0370-2693
Libro: “100 años de la Relatividad General”. Capitulo: La Teoría General de la Relatividad y la constante cosmológica.Norman CruzTemuco, Chile Ediciones Universidad de La Frontera
The golden ratio in Schwarzschild-Kottler black holes.N. Cruz, M. Olivares & J.R. VillanuevaEuropean Physical C (Springer), ISSN 1434-6044
Phantom solution in a non-linear Israel-Stewart theory.M. Cruz, N. Cruz & S. LepePhysics Letters B (Elsevier Science), ISSN 0370-2693
Inflation without inflaton: A model for dark energyFalomir, H., Gamboa, J., Méndez, F. & Gondolo, PPhysical Review D (Amer Physical Soc) Vol. 96, Article Number: 083534, ISSN 2470-0010
Testing dark matter with the anomalous magnetic moment in a dark matter quantum electrodynamics modelDas, AK; Gamboa, J; Mendez, F. & Tapia, NModerns Physics Letters A (World Scientific Publ Co Pte) Vol. 32 (33), Article Number: 1750175, ISSN 0217-7323
ABC of ladder operators for rationally extended quantum harmonic oscillator systemsCariñena, JF. & Plyushchay, MS.Journal of Physics A: Mathematical And Theoretical (Universidad de Zaragoza), ISSN 1751-8113
Schwarzian derivative treatment of the quantum second-order supersymmetry anomaly, and coupling-constant metamorphosis.Plyushchay, MS.Annals of Physics, (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science), ISSN 0003-4916
Supertranslations and Superrotations at the Black Hole HorizonDonnay, L., Giribet, G., Gonzalez, H.A. & Pino, M.Physical Review Letters (American Physical Society), ISSN 0031-9007
Mixing of photons with light pseudoscalars in time dependent magnetic fieldsP. Arias, A. Arza & J. Gamboa.European Physical Journal C (Springer) , ISSN1434-6044
Hidden photons in Aharonov-Bohm-type experimentsP. Arias, C. Diaz, M. A. Diaz, J. Jaeckel, B. Koch & J. RedondoPhysical Review D (Amer Physical Soc) , ISSN 2470-0010
Generalized equations of state and regular universes.F. Contreras, N. Cruz & E. GonzálezJournal of Physics: Conferences Series, ISSN: 1742-6588.
On the algebraic structure of rotationally invariant two-dimensional Hamiltonians on the noncommutative phase spaceCárcamo, D; Falomir, H; Loewe, M; Méndez, F; Pisani, P.A.G. & Vega, F.Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Thoeretical (IOP Publishing Ltd.), Vol. 49 (5), Article Number: 055202 (2016), ISSN 1751-8113
Non-Abelian Monopoles as the Origin of Dark MatterFalomir, H; Gamboa, J. & Méndez, F.Modern Physics Letters A (World Scientific Publ Co Pte) Vol. 31 (24), Article Number: 1650136, ISSN 0217-7323
Ensemble free configurational temperature for spin systemsG. Palma, G. Gutierrez & S. DavisPhys. Rev. E 94, 062113 (2016), ISSN 2470-0045
Leading finite-size corrections to the pdf of the magnetization for the 2d XY model at zero temperatureG. Palma, F. Niedermayer, Z. Racz, A. Riveros & D. ZambranoPhys. Rev. E 94, 022145 (2016), ISSN 2470-0045
Ground-state isolation and discrete flows in a rationally extended quantum harmonic oscillator.Cariñena, JF. & Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Position-dependent mass, finite-gap systems, and supersymmetryBravo, R; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Extended Symmetries at the Black Hole HorizonDonnay, L., Giribet, G., González, H.A. & Pino, M.Journal of High Energy Physics (Springer), ISSN 1029-8479
Chern-Simons-Higgs theory with visible and hidden sectors and its N=2 SUSY extensionP. Arias, E. Ireson, F. A. Schaposnik & G. TallaritaPhysics Letters B (Elsevier Science BV), ISSN 0370-2693
Extracting hidden-photon dark matter from an LC-circuitP. Arias, A. Arza, B. Döbrich, J. Gamboa & F. MendezEuropean Physical Journal C (Springer) , ISSN 1434-6044
N=2 SUSY Abelian Higgs model with hidden sector and BPS equationsP. Arias, E. Ireson, C. Nuñez & F. SchaposnikJournal of High Energy Physics (Springer), ISSN 1029-8479
Presymmetry in the Standard Model with adulterated Dirac neutrinosE.A. MatuteModern Physics Letters A, ISSN 0217-7323
Emerging the dark sector from thermodynamics of cosmological systems with constant pressureA. Aviles, N. Cruz. J. Klapp & O. LuongoGeneral Relativity and Gravity (Springer/Plenum Publishers) Vol. 47 (5), ISSN 0001-7701
Testing a dissipative kinetic k-essence model.V. H. Cardenas, N. Cruz & J. R. VillanuevaEuropean Physics Journal C (Springer), ISSN 1434-6044
Cosmological Kinetic MixingDas, A; Gamboa, J. & Pino, M.Physical Review D (Amer Physical Soc) Vol. 91 (2), Article Number: 123528, ISSN 2470-0010
Cosmic four-fermion neutrino secret interactions, enhancement, and total cross sectionCárcamo, D; Das, A; Gamboa, J; Méndez, F. & Polychronakos, A.Physical Review D (Amer Physical Soc) Vol. 91 (6), Article Number: 065028, ISSN 2470-0010
Meron-cluster simulation of the quantum Heisenberg model in a magnetic field in one and two-d.G. Palma & A. RiverosCond. Matt. Phys. Vol. 18, No 2, 23002 (2015), ISSN 1607-324X
Higgs Model Coupled to Dark PhotonsCárcamo, D; Gamboa, J. & Pino, M.Modern Physics Letters A (World Scientific Publ Co Pte) Vol. 30 (7), Article Number: 1550030, ISSN 0217-7323
Chiral asymmetry in propagation of soliton defects in crystalline backgroundsArancibia, A; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
PT-symmetric invisible defects and confluent Darboux-Crum transformationsCorrea, F; Jakubsky, V; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review A, ISSN 2469-9926
Soliton defects in one-gap periodic system and exotic supersymmetryArancibia, A; Correa, F; Jakubsky, V; Guilarte, JM; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Nonlinear supersymmetry in the quantum Calogero modelCorrea, F; Lechtenfeld, O; Plyushchay, M.Journal Of High Energy Physics (Springer), ISSN 1029-8479
Boundary Dynamics Of Asymptotically Flat 3D Gravity Coupled To Higher Spin FieldsGonzález, H.A., & Pino, M.Journal of High Energy Physics (Springer), ISSN 1029-8479
Transmutations of supersymmetry through soliton scattering and self-consistent condensatesArancibia, A; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Cosmic neutrino background as a ferromagnetP. Arias, J. Gamboa & J. Lopez-SarrionPhysics Letters B (Elsevier Science BV), ISSN 0370-2693
Vortex solutions of an Abelian Higgs model with visible and hidden sectorsP. Arias & F. A. SchaposnikJournal of High Energy Physics (Springer), ISSN 1029-8479
Neutrino mass generation with extra right-handed fields in a Dirac scenario via the type-I seesaw mechanismE.A. MatuteModern Physics Letters A, ISSN 0217-7323
DGP cosmological model with generalized Ricci dark energy.Y. Aguilera, A. Avelino, N. Cruz. S. Lepe & F. PeñaEuropean Physics Journal C. Vol. 74 (11), ISSN 1434-6044
No stable dissipative phantom scenario in the framework of a complete cosmological dynamics.N. Cruz, S. Lepe, Y. Leyva, F. Peña & J. SaavedraPhysical Review D (American Physical Society), ISSN 1550-7998
Analogies between nuclear physics and Dark MatterCárcamo, D; A. Riveros, A. & Gamboa, JModern Physics Letters A (World Scientific Publ Co Pte) Vol. 29 (39), Article Number: 1450209, ISSN 0217-7323
Particle in a self-dual dyon background: Hidden free nature and exotic superconformal symmetryPlyushchay, MS; Wipf, A.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes In Three-Dimensional Higher Spin GravityGonzález, H. A., Matulich, J., Pino, M. & Troncoso, R.Journal of High Energy Physics (Springer) Publicado 1029-8479
The Boulware-Deser Mode In 3d First-Order Massive GravityBanados, M., Deffayet, C. & Pino, M.Physical Review D (American Physical Society), ISSN 1550-7998
Effect of scalings and translations on the supersymmetric quantum mechanical structure of soliton systemsArancibia, A; Guilarte, JM; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
A Note On The Cardy Formula And Black Holes In 3d (Massive) BigravityBanados, M. & Pino, M.Classical And Quantum Gravity (IOP Publishing), ISSN 0264-9381
Kink mass quantum shifts from SUSY quantum mechanicsIzquierdo, AA; Guilarte, JM; Plyushchay, MS.Annals Of Physics, (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science), ISSN 0003-4916
Fermion in a multi-kink-antikink soliton background, and exotic supersymmetryArancibia, A; Guilarte, JM; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Photons motion in charged Anti-de Sitter black holes.J. R. Villanueva, J. Saavedra, M. Olivares & N. CruzAstrophyscis and Space Science (Springer), ISSN 0004-640X
Geodesic structure of Lifshitz black holes in 2+1 dimensions.N. Cruz, M. Olivares & J. R. VillanuevaEuropean Physics Journal C (Springer) Publicado 1434-6044
Interacting warm dark matter.N. Cruz, G.Palma, D. Zambrano & A. AvelinoJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (IOP Publishing) , ISSN 1475-7516
Aharonov-Bohm Effect and Hidden PhotonsP. AriasProceedings of the 9th Patras Worshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, ISSN 9783935702836
Particle-antiparticle asymmetry from magnetogenesis through the Landau mechanismCárcamo, D; Das, A; Gamboa, J. & Loewe, MPhysics Letters B (Elsevier Science BV) Vol. 718 (4-5), pp. 1548-1551 , ISSN 0370-2693
Spin noncommutativity and the three-dimensional harmonic oscillatorFalomir, H; Gamboa, J; Loewe, M; Méndez, F. & Rojas, J.C.Physical Review D (Elsevier Science BV) Vol. 85 (2), Article Number: 025009, ISSN 2470-0010
Asymptotically Flat Spacetimes In 3d BigravityGonzález, H.A. & Pino, M.Physical Review D (American Physical Society), ISSN 1550-7998
Extended supersymmetry of the self-isospectral crystalline and soliton chainsArancibia, A; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Gravitational Lensing In An Energy-Dependent Spacetime MetricGrillo, AF; Luzio, E; Mendez, F; Torres, F.International Journal of Modern Physics D (World Scientific Publ Co Pte Ltd), Vol. 21 (1), Article Number: 1250007, ISSN 0218-2718
Self-isospectral tri-supersymmetry in PT-symmetric quantum systems with pure imaginary periodicityCorrea, F; Plyushchay, MS.Annals Of Physics, (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science), ISSN 0003-4916
Spectral singularities in PT-symmetric periodic finite-gap systemsCorrea, F; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
WISPy cold dark matterP. Arias, D. Cadamuro, M. Goodsell, J. Jaeckel, J. Redondo & A. RingwaldJournal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics (IOP Publishing LTD), ISSN 1475-7516
Supersymmetric twisting of carbon nanotubesJakubsky, V; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Holographic dark energy in the DGP model.N. Cruz, S. Lepe, F. Peña & A. AvelinoEuropean Physics Journal C (Springer) Publicado 1434-6044
Noncommutativity in (2+1)-dimensions and the Lorentz groupFalomir, H; Vega, F; Gamboa, J; Méndez; Loewe, F.MPhysical Review D (Elsevier Science BV) Vol. 86 (2), Article Number: 105035, ISSN 2470-0010
Dynamics Determines GeometryGamboa, J; Hojman, S. & Méndez, FJournal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical (IOP Publishing Ltd.) Vol. 45 (13), Article Number 135308, ISSN 1751-8113
Aharonov-Bohm Effect in a Class of Noncommutative TheoriesDas, A; Falomir, H; Gamboa, J; Méndez, F. & Nieto, MPhysical Review D (Elsevier Science BV) Vol. 84 (4), Article Number: 045002, ISSN 2470-0010
Generalization of the Cooper pairing mechanism for spin-triplet in superconductorsDas, A; Gamboa, J; Torres, F. & Méndez, FPhysics Letters A (Elsevier Science BV) Vol. 375 (16), pp. 1756-1759, ISSN 0375-9601
Bigravity black hole and its thermodynamicsBanados, M., Gomberoff, A. & Pino, M.Physical Review D (American Physical Society), ISSN 1550-7998
Restoration of parity symmetry through presymmetryE.A. MatuteModern Physics Letters A, ISSN 0217-7323
Optimizing light-shining-through-a-wall experiments for axion and other weakly interacting slim particle searchesP. Arias, J. Jaeckel, J. Redondo & A. Ringwald.Physical Review B (Amer Physical Soc), ISSN 1550-7998
Twin and mirror symmetry from presymmetryE.A. MatuteInternational Journal of Modern Physics A, ISSN 0217-751X
Exotic supersymmetry of the kink-antikink crystal, and the infinite period limitPlyushchay, MS; Arancibia, A; Nieto, LM.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Klein tunneling in carbon nanostructures: A free-particle dynamics in disguiseJakubsky, V; Nieto, LM; Plyushchay, MS.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Constraint effective potential of the magnetization in the quantum XY-modelU. Gerber, C.P. Hofman, F.-J. Jiang, G. Palma, P. Stebler & U. -J. WieseJ. Stat. Mech.:Theor. And Exp. , P06002 (2011), ISSN 1742-5468
A novel application of a Fourier integral representation of bound states in Quantum MechanicsG. Palma & U. RaffAm. J. Phys. 79 (2), (2011). ISSN 0002-9505
Cold dark matter from the hidden sectorP. AriasProceedings of the 7th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs Publicado 978-393570248
Dark energy interacting with dark matter and a third fluid: Possible EoS for this component.N. Cruz, S. Lepe & F. PeñaPhysics Letters B (Elsevier Science), ISSN 0370-2693
Self-isospectrality, mirror symmetry, and exotic nonlinear supersymmetryPlyushchay, MS; Nieto, LM.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Interacting holographic tachyon model of dark energy.A. Rozas-Fernandez, D. Brizuela & N. CruzInternational Journal of Moderns Physics D. (World Scientific Publishing), ISSN 0218-2718
Bosons, fermions and anyons in the plane, and supersymmetryHorvathy, PA; Plyushchay, MS; Valenzuela, M.Annals Of Physics, (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science), ISSN 0003-4916
Neutrino oscillations in a minimal CPT violation frameP. Arias & J. GamboaModern Physics Letters A (World Scientific Publ CO PTE LTD), ISSN 0217-7323
Hidden superconformal symmetry of the spinless Aharonov-Bohm systemCorrea, F; Falomir, H; Jakubsky, V; Plyushchay, MS.Journal Of Physics A: Mathematical And Theoretical, (Universidad de Zaragoza), ISSN 1751-8113
Supersymmetries of the spin-1/2 particle in the field of magnetic vortex, and anyons, Annals Of PhysicsCorrea, F; Falomir, H; Jakubsky, V; Plyushchay, MS.Annals Of Physics, (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science), ISSN 0003-4916
Completeness in Quantum Mechanics and the W-T-K theoremG. Palma, H. Prado & E.G. ReyesJ. Phys. A: Math and Theor. 43, 255301 (2010) Publicado 1751-8113
Supersymmetry between Jackiw-Nair and Dirac-Majorana anyonsHorvathy, PA; Plyushchay, MS; Valenzuela, M.Physical Review D, (American Physical Society), ISSN 2470-0010
Supersymmetry of the planar Dirac-Deser-Jackiw-Templeton system and of its nonrelativistic limitHorvathy, PA; Plyushchay, MS; Valenzuela, M.Journal Of Mathematical Physics (IOP Publishing), ISSN 0022-2488
Improving the discovery potential of future light-shining-through-a-wall experimentsP. Arias, J. Jaeckel, J. Redondo, A. RingwaldProceedings of the 7th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs, ISSN 978-393570248-5
Bare and effective fluid description in brane world cosmology.N. Cruz, S. Lepe, F. Peña & J. SaavedraEuropean Physics Journal C (Springer), ISSN 1434-6044
Holographic kinetic k-essence model.N. Cruz, P. F. González-Díaz, A. Rozas-Fernández & G. SánchezPhysics Letters B (Elsevier Science) Publicado 0370-2693
Super-extended noncommutative Landau problem and conformal symmetryAlvarez, PD; Cortes, JL; Horvathy, PA; Plyushchay, MS.Journal Of High Energy Physics (Springer), ISSN 1029-8479
The Bogoliubov-de Gennes system, the AKNS hierarchy, and nonlinear quantum mechanical supersymmetryCorrea, F; Dunne, GV; Plyushchay, MS.Annals Of Physics, (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science), ISSN 0003-4916
Magnetic-Dipole Spin Effects in Noncommutative Quantum MechanicsFalomir, H; Gamboa, J; López-Sarrión, J; Pisani, P. & Méndez, F.Physics Letters B (Elsevier Science BV) Vol. 680 (4), pp. 384-386, ISSN 0370-2693
Aharonov-Bohm effect on AdS(2) and nonlinear supersymmetry of reflectionless Poschl-Teller systemCorrea, F; Jakubsky, V; Plyushchay, MS.Annals Of Physics, (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science), ISSN 0003-4916
Non-commutative Supersymmetric Quantum MechanicsDas, A; Falomir, H; Gamboa, J. & Méndez,Physics Letters B (Elsevier Science BV) Vol. 670 (4-5), pp. 407-415, ISSN 0370-2693
Presymmetry beyond the Standard ModelE.A. MatuteModern Physics Letters A, ISSN 0217-7323
Su (2) kinetic mixing terms and spontaneous symmetry breakingJ. Lopez-Sarrion, P. Arias & J. GamboaModern Physics Letters A (World Scientific Publ CO PTE LTD), ISSN 0217-7323
P. Arias(Chile U., Santiago), J. Gamboa(Chile U., Santiago), J. Lopez-Sarrion(Chile U., Santiago), F. Mendez(Chile U., Santiago), Ashok K. Das(Rochester U. and Saha Inst.)Physical Letters BVol. 650,pp. 401- 406.
Paola Arias(Chile U., Santiago), H. Falomir(La Plata U.), J. Gamboa(Chile U., Santiago), F. Mendez(Chile U., Santiago), F.A. Schaposnik(La Plata U. and Buenos Aires U.)Physical Review DVol. 76,pp. 25 019